either systemglobals.properties
or jforum-custom.conf (which overwrites the values in the properties file)
have a look at the forum.link or homepage.link URL .. those should point to localhost. Change those so that they point to the IP address [originally posted on jforum.net by Sid]
Checked both of those and I had already changed them from localhost to my IP address. Smilies are still trying to connect to localhost.
Where is the #CONTEXT# being grabbed from to define it? I think that is where I need to go to change the localhost setting but I cant seem to find it. [originally posted on jforum.net by confused2gether]
What file contains that request so that I can make that change or is there any other place that I need to be looking for to change from localhost to my IP address that I want. [originally posted on jforum.net by confused2gether]
*smirks* that's because they are loaded from the conf/properties file ...
... yet it seems that your cache showed still the old values. You can clear cached informations via administratin panel too, aswell as within the browser. [originally posted on jforum.net by Sid]
I remember clearing my browser cache out numerous times thinking it was that along with tomcat restarts but I didnt look closely enough at the admin console to see the cache section.
Thanks for the help! [originally posted on jforum.net by confused2gether]
My smilies are not showing.. same error as confused2gether.. I already change the values in the systemglobal and jforum-custom and cleared cache but still im getting the same path for the smilies.