SSO mechanisms are described in various topics already in the forum, and there's a documentation page too for SSO.
The way how I run the forum inside my "portal" for instance is loading it in the iframe ... passing along the informatin of username, timestamp, cipher, ... and on the jforum site I check if the cipher is correct, if the timestamp is within the allowed time range... and then use the username for logging the user onto the jforum ...
Same could be done with integration into plone for instance ^^
Or you could work with cookies or whatever suits you best.
If you use my form of integration with cipher and timestamp ... finding / writing the cipher algorithm may be the most time consuming part... simply look for blowfish algorithm for instance , encrypt the query
string on jforum side too and mach both encrypted ciphers ...
The effort depends on your programming skills... as you have to write the jforum SSO implementation ... that's the toughest part about it ^^
[originally posted on by Sid]