The "view"/look and feel part of jForum's MVC model are the files in the templates directory off the webapp main directory. The *.htm files here are FreeMarker template files that define what HTML the user "sees".
The default view is defined in the "default" subdirectory. You can either modify the files here or copy this directory and change a the template directory to this via a config property (can't remember it right now but it's well documented in the *.properties files and on the forums).
In you particular case, the template file to look at is the forum_list.htm file. In this, there is a table that contains all the categories. If you don't need a dynamic way to link to your other forums (e.g., you only add them occationally), just add in some HTML code above the <#list allCategories... Freemarker code so that it looks like a category but only contains links to your other forums. Repeat this in all your subforum templates so that there are links available everywhere.
jee whiz coding, just some standard HTML stuff. You probably could simplify the maintenance by using an template <#include "myForums.htm"> statement and just keep the myForums.htm up to date across all your jForum webapps.
[originally posted on by monroe]