posted 16 years ago
I found this Bug in Jforum 2.1.7:
Step 1: create a forum with moderating role
Step 2: User A create a new topic
Step 3: User B goes into the topic and would like to provide an answer. For this user B open "post reply" dialog.
Step 4: During user B opend this window ("post reply"), the topic deleted by a moderator. User B send the answer.
User B get the message, that it is a moderated forum and that the answer must be activated by a moderator.
Step 5:
In Admin Control Pannel is the counter for the messages, that must be activated, is not correct.
The Answer from user B will be counted. This is the Bug: you can see a list of Messages (counter), but the message is not exist, becouse the topic is deleted.
Any idea for the solution?
I think, that the info Object in CenericModerationDao get wrong values.
Line 194:
Thsi part retrieve wrong value:
Thanks 8) ,
No Spam
[originally posted on by nospam]