This is a hard one to debug remotely. Especially since the exception is just a "catch all problems and rethrow it message. Are there any additional error messages in your application server logs? Especially ones that point to a "root cause"?
It looks like the underlying error is an SQL column overflow (data too long) and the only place that I can see data getting written to the DB is either into the JForum_Sessions table or the JForums_User table (if it's a new SSO user). You'll need to verify that all your user info and session id stuff will fit into the tables. It may just be a case of some session ids (managed by the app server) are longer the 50 characters and you need to increase this column size.
One thing I can think that might be causing problems in general is to verify that when you change from HTTP to HTTPS that your WebApp session is staying the same. I know with
Tomcat this changes if you are going directly to TC. But it stays the same if you are using a web server front end with a JK connector.
If you're getting a new session after authenticating, then it might be related to trying to set the session to the anonymous user.
Well, that's all the comes to mind with the info supplied. Hopefully it will help.
[originally posted on by monroe]