Most likely your SSO user in not in a group that has admin priviledges. You'll need to log in as the native admin user and add this SSO user to the admin group. [originally posted on by monroe]
With Cookie based SSO, when user gets directed to Jforum, I am expecting to see a link to control panel for managing the forum. But I don't see it.
Can someone tell me, which file has the code for Control panel URL, so I can check to see, if I screwed-up something. Is there an URL, I can hit for control panel, after successful login as admin.
SSO user(username: Admin) is there in jforum database as admin. I verified that in jforum_user_groups table.
If I can get answer to following two questions, I can debug why link is not showing-up(since I made some template changes, but not sure how control panel link got removed)
1. Which file has link for Admin control panel
2. What is the URL for native login
Rights are based on User id NUMBERS not names. Generally, when you do an SSO login, a new JForum user entry is created, if one doesn't exist. So, even though your user login name is admin, it's id number (DB primary key) is not the same. And so, it is not considered to be an admin because it's NUMERIC id is not in the admin group membership.
That said, a general process for granting SSO users admin rights would be to do the following:
1) Turn on SSO and log in as the ID you want to be an admin user (creates the JForum_Users entry)
2) Turn off SSO (modify config info) and log in as default admin user (see install docs)
3) Add the new SSO admin user to the admin group
4) Turn SSO back on. [originally posted on by monroe]
Username ''Admin' is already added to admin group. Following is evidence:
SELECT group_name FROM jforum_groups, jforum_user_groups, jforum_users WHERE
jforum_groups.group_id = jforum_user_groups.group_id AND
jforum_users.user_id = jforum_user_groups.user_id AND
jforum_users.username = 'Admin';
Above query returns 'Administration'.
After above, when I SSO with user "Admin", I should be seeing control panel link???
Please help..this gating beta launch of my website...
Jain [originally posted on by sf_techie]
It may be possible that your "Administration" group has the wrong permissions, for any reason. If jforum_roles, check if it has "perm_administration" associtated.
The URL to the admin panel is /admBase/
Rafael [originally posted on by Rafael Steil]
You need to add an SSO user to your admin group. To do this, you need to:
1) Change your config file to on SSO and log in to jForum with the id you want to use as an admin. This will create a user entry in jforum's user table.
2) Change your config file to turn OFF SSO, restart the server, and log in to jForum with the default admin id (created when you installed jForum).
3) Go to the groups admin screen and add the new SSO user to the admin group.
Turn back on SSO and your SSO admin should now work. [originally posted on by monroe]
I have the same problem with shalinjshah, and have follow advise from monroe.. but it's not solve my problem yet. Have it solve ur problem shalinjshah?
And this is chunk of the CookieSSO i compiled (just incase it's related to this problem):
With workaround suggested monroe, I can get one of my apps user to be admin. What I did is added him through SSO in JForum system, then turn of SSO and added my apps user to admin group.
Now, turn SSO back on. With this now my own app user is admin and he can see admin panel link.
Let me know if this doesn't work for you.
Shalin [originally posted on by shalinjshah]
umm.. it still doesn't work in my case , jforum keep saying "Registration of new users is disabled." when i click admin control panel button. Can u please show me ur sso configuration shalinjsah?
Vilisini [originally posted on by Vilisini]
I assume you followed the steps above to make your SSO user an admin user?
If not... A quick search for where the "Registration disabled.." message might come from suggests that this might be due to the following options in the jforum-custom.conf file being wrong.
First, check:
This setting will cause any call to create a new user to be disabled unless the current id is an admin or the config file contains this setting:
Note this must be lower case and make sure there are no blanks, etc around it (might not matter... but...)