posted 16 years ago
A lot of this depends on how you're "information" flow is going to happen. If I interpreted this right is you'd like a "News" forum (more than one?) with moderated or limited access to posting (Marketing folks, etc). Then there is a recent "news" section on the web site that will display just the recent articles in a pretty format... probably with a link to go to the full news forum.
A couple of ways to do this are:
Look at the RSS feed code. This can be limited to a specific forum (might need CVS version). In this case, the code that generates your "pretty" news page could issue a standard RSS request for information from jForum and parse it into what you want.
If this doesn't work, probably the easiest alternative is to just go directly to the jForum database tables. As long as you don't need to dig into security constraints, it's fairly simple to query the database for recent postings.
The basics are to do a search on the jforum_topics table with the forum_id (or ids) to get the "summary" info. And then use the post_id part of this to retrieve the full info from the jforum_posts and jforum_posts_text tables.
Note that this totally ignores any jforum security constraints on what can be seen or not. So, if that's important, you'll have to deal with that as well.
[originally posted on by monroe]