The general syntax of a request is:
<app context>/module/action[/param...].page
Modules are mapped to class in the file.
Actions are public no argument methods in the classes
Parameters are defined in the file. This basically maps names to Parameter location. E.g.: = start, forum_id
means that in the URL /jforum/forums/show/15/ the 15 is the index in the topic list to start showing and 3 is the id of the forum.
FWIW, there is an older method of calling Jforum that goes thru a common
Servlet that looks like:
e.g. /jforum/jforum?module=forums&action=show&start=15&forum_id=3
As to submitting forms via code control, just use HTTPClient ( apache commons) with an SSO method. Just look at the HTML code for form that a human sees and map the fields needed into the code.
Or a more complex alternative is to merge some of the action module code into your own code (but it must run in the same webapp so the repository (cache) objects can be updated too.
[originally posted on by monroe]