Integrating jforum and other web applications
Hi everybody.
I work on integration jforum and other web application on Ruby.
I have access to forum DB schema, but then I change DB data I don�t see changes in interface.
For example, then I deleting permissions on some forum via SQL like
delete from jforum_role_values
where role_id=(
select role_id from jforum_groups g
inner join jforum_roles r on g.group_id=r.group_id
where g.group_name='<group name>'
and role_value= < deleted forum id >
the changes are applied only after I restarted
I read about cache and how to disable it ( #8451) but then I add follow:
posts.cache.enabled = false
topic.cache.enabled = false
security.cache.enabled = false
forum.cache.enabled = false
in my or jforum-custom.conf the cache is not disabled.
It �s not disabled after restarting Tomcat also.
I can change DB but the interface is cached. I can see all forums on forum�s list but all data in jforum_forums tables deleted.
Postgress DB
Tomcat 5.20
JForum 2.1.7 / (2.1.8 to)
I want to disable cache and make forum more interactive with database.
[originally posted on by Eugene.Ershov]