posted 16 years ago
Hi, I'm looking at migrating an existing board to JForum. One issue is, our existing users can have multiple accounts with the same e-mail address. I see this is not allowed in JForum, and I'm trying to understand why. I've looked at the source code somewhat, and I see that GenericUserDAO.findByEmail() returns a single user. I can modify this to return a List easily enough, but I'm trying to understand the use of this method and the consequences of changing it. It's called by POPPostAction.findUsers(), which is called by POPPostAction.insertMessages() which is called by POPListener.execute() - a job scheduled in Quartz. OK. But I'm not getting a sense of what these messages are for, or why it's (currently) necessary that there be only one user per e-mail address. Am I asking for trouble if I change this to allow multiple users per e-mail? Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks...
[originally posted on by jryingst]