If you're page is just plain html, just call it direct. E.g.: <applicationPath>/myPage.html
If you're trying to use FreeMarker, you will need a
servlet (or a
jsp page) to set up the context for your template. See FreeMarker.org for details.
If you need jForum information or want/need to use the .page syntax, you have to use the module/action syntax. You can add new modules by creating a class that extended the Command object and has a no parameters method of the same name as your action.
You like the new module into the *.page syntax by adding it to the modulesMapping.property file. E.g. if you add a line like:
myModule = org.mine.jforum.MyModule
and MyModule has a method called show() that sets up and calls your new template page. The your template page can be call via:
[originally posted on jforum.net by monroe]