1)I�ve got a slight problem with jforum- I cant get anywhere with it !
2) I�m not working in the industry my web site in construction is a project, however I have got
tomcat running ( 5.5.25) and have several jps working ; also I managed to get jchatbox working by simply downloading their war file and plonking it into webapps, I simply re-tarted tomcat and it unpacked. After that I followed their few instructions such as putting the absolute path in the web.xml and it worked.
Back to jforum- I downloaded the jforum war file & plonked it into webapps, I restarted tomcat & put
http://localhost:8080/jforum/install.jsp in my web address, and got 404 resource not available.
The war file did unpack & I can see the install.jsp file inside the folder. It can not be anything to do with class path(can it) since tomcat is in the class path, so everything inside tomcat should be in the class path. Also jchatbx worked why doesn�t jforum?
any ideas ?
[originally posted on jforum.net by andrew]