sorry to open another topic, but i asked in another topic open by another user and nobody answered.
I have this problem that i'm trying to resolve since yesterday 8-|.
So i uploaded the jforum 2.1.8, to server :
And i read in the instalation document, that i have to go to forum/install.jsp..., so i entered in the browsers page :
A message appeared <
jsp:forward page="install/"/>.
Now i don't know what to do :|. i tried to download apache tomcat->nothing i uploaded the __index.redirect->nothing, i tried to change the name of the forum->nothing,i tried to go to>nothing.Also tried to go to> nothing(The requested URL /forum/ was not found on this server.)... , etc 8-| ~X(.
I'm new in this
java thing, and i am thinking to try another forum, but i want to ask here 1'.
Why didn't you put in the zip file of the jforum, the
tomcat folder? or better to put the jforum in the tomcat? because you said that i have to put the jforum folder in the tomcat/webapps. and why isn't the __index.redirect file in the jforum folder, since u said that the file is needed?
Can i install the forum in my computer using tomcat (localhost:8080/jforum/...), and then upload it to my host server with a ftp program?
PLEASE Help !!
[originally posted on by miswu13]