posted 16 years ago
Hi, I worked on a simple extension mechanism for JForum. I need to add new bbcode but the transformation is not as simple as a regexp replacement, my transformation need to fetch data from web, process it, etc.
So the idea is to match bb code to a "process" class.
Based on the 2.1.8 code, I wrote BBExt.... classes in the same way BBCode is managed. (Handler, Item, etc).
I add an interface which external process class can implements :
And a XML declaration file (name bbext_config.xml in config directory)
All work fine now... So just, I won't want to have to repatch JForum at each release, I would like to know if my code can be integrated to JForum, and if yes, what's the procedure ? ( using a diff command, zipping my source workcopy, other ?)
Regards ;)
[originally posted on by SegFault]