Hi I'm currently creating a new forum site with JDK 5.0,
Tomcat 5.5, and hsqldb. One of my requirements is to use a datasource. I have created a datasource in Tomcat and tested it with a
jsp I put in my jfourm application. The jsp works fine, but when I try to use the same datasource with the jforum application I get the error below. I have included the database lines from my systemGlobals.properties and the datasource setting from my tomcat config. For the database.datasource.name I have tried everything
java:jdbc/TestDB, java:/jdbc/TestDB, /jdbc/TestDB, jdbc/TestDB, java:/TestDB, java:TestDB, /TestDB, and TestDB, none of them seem to work. If any one has experience with this set up or just JDK 5.0, tomcat 5.5 and using a datasource can you please help.
Error Message
Tomcat resource config
[originally posted on jforum.net by bmcguire]