posted 16 years ago
With Watch this forum, they will get an e-mail for each new top level topic created.
With Watch this topic, they will get an e-mail for each new reply to that topic.
When the e-mail is created depends on your configuration. By default, the e-mail is sent when the post is made.
However, this can slow down postings on large sites, so there is an option to use a Quartz (scheduler package include with jForum) job. When this is run depends on you're settings.
Each post in an area that the user has opted to "watch" will be sent as a new e-mail.
The e-mail they receive is based on the template files in the templates/mail directory. E.g. mailNewReply.txt contains the verbage for a watched topic reply.
In addition, the user has several options they can set in their profile. These include:
1) The default "watch" setting for items the user posts. Note that in the full reply/new topic screen, this can be overridden for an individual post.
2) Send e-mail notiification even if the user has visited the forum after the message was posted.
3) Include the contents of the message with the reply.
FWIW, there is a "summary" job included. This is sort of a weekly digest of what's been posted. This was new with 2.1.8 and I'm not sure exactly how people get signed up for it. I think it might require info to be manually inserted into a table right now. But this might serve as a basis for a daily digest option for users who don't want individual e-mails.
[originally posted on by monroe]