here is my list of suggestion to enhance the already very good work (congratulations) !! (maybe it's already possible or foreseen for the 3. version)
- html emails : it would be more professionnal to send nice HTML formatted emails with embeded images, etc... is it possible ? I can help if needed using Apache Commons Emails.
- formatting the message : I know it's the same in phpBB and I never understood why : why this horrible formatting system for messages ?? Why can't I edit directly with WYSIWYG tool such like tinyMCE ? [codes] are not very elegant.... TinyMCE is more simple than fckeditor... You can limit to only a few tages.. it simplifies pages... we don't need to create documents ! Just to improve texts (bold, table ... is enough)
- topics status : it would be great to be able to manage status for topics... We could use the forum as a project management software.. setting to "pending", "solved", etc.. each message
- importing eml file as topic : taking the eml file directly on a pop3 mail server OR from my email client (Mozilla Thunderbird), I'd be happy to import eml files and if they are automatically transformed in topics ... and their answer as part of the topic...
You talk somewhere about Apache James, but you don't need it. With the
Java Mail API, you create Email objects from a pop3 server or from an eml file. Then it's a good job to display a eml in html .... with embedded document, pictures, etc.. but it already exists !
- (this is more personal, I hate mixing tags in simple html files... generating xml without display information then using XSL files to transform them in html or pdf sounds better) ... and xsl can be replaced by a flash GUI....
This is my needs for a forum... I would like to implement them or see them
best regards from Switzerland !
[originally posted on by samfra]