posted 15 years ago
First off, note that jForum 3 is still in Alpha... getting close to Beta... so these answers are based on the current 2.xproduction version but SHOULD be correct for jForum 3.. but to tell the truth, I haven't had the time to keep up with Raphael, et. al. on the 3.0 changes.
1) jForum's security model is tied to the forum needs. I don't think there are any plans to make this a general security model that websites, etc. can use. Of course, it's open source and if someone can make it work and donates the code then...
2) Yes, there is a fairly robust SSO and alternative authentication provider mechanism. Basically, you have to implement a couple of interfaces with your own classes. Note that SSO means that another application will be presenting the login screen, while authentication provider means jForum's login screen will check with a 3rd party source to authenticate the user.
Also note that in your case of tying several people into one id, all posts that these people make will come from that single id. May not be a problem but it can be confusing if folks don't add a name, etc.
[originally posted on by monroe]