I thought I should let everybody know I solved this problem.
What was wrong is how I set it up. I compiled it originally using 6. and installed it then, so I believe somewhere something is set to say java6.
Well it appears that the structure that tomcat (when using java6) is different then when using 5, when exported as a war from eclipse. I'm sure many will tell me this is untrue, but, at least with using tomcat as a server within eclipse, this is how it works.
To solve my problem I just build the war file manually (without using eclipse that is, I am currently working on an
ANT build to build me a war file). I cannot launch the application within eclipse anymore for debugging purposes. So even though I know this is BAD PRACTICE currently I have two copies, one that works when launching it in eclipse and the other one.
If you are using java6 with tomcat and eclipse, I can tell you how to turn it into a dynamic web project, where to move files and such. It makes debugging things much easier.
I am sorry if my post doesn't make too much sense. I wasn't sure how to present what I found out. :?
[originally posted on jforum.net by ajwatkins]