Thanks for reading !!
I am collecting some requirements for a web site that i am designing.
The issue I am having is to decide which scenario would be more [economic, buggy, functional].
It is a real estate web site, that has ability "by admin" to dynamically build characteristics (both functionally and GUI) for real estate types (Villas, Buildings , ...).
Lets talk about
Integer case, as it is the most straight forward one,
a- number of bedrooms in apartments , expected values (1-7).
b- number of levels in skyscrapers , expected values (20-200).
c- area in meter squares in lands , expected values (100-5000).
Web site Admin should be able to generate all the three cases (a,b,c) , so that the user can fill data as:
1- radio button
2- drop down menu
3- text field
I have two scenarios to design that "please tell me if you have a third one" :
Scenario 1:
tie number of options to GUI. i.e.
- Radio buttons (#expected values < 8 ) , e.g. "a"
- Drop down ( 8 =< #expected values < 200)
- Text Field ( 200 =< #expected values )
Scenario 2:
let Admin decides what GUI (1, 2, or 3) is corresponding to what case (a, b, or c).
Which scenario is cheaper? less buggy ? more functional "from business point of view" ?
Sorry for rambling !!! It is a design issue