Im fairly new to
java /
Tomcat (as is our entire development team, long story short we used to be .Net and Domino developers then one day we were told to develop in java) anyway, I have created a war file of our java development which I have deployed to our Tomcat server, the application deploys and runs ok but for some reason none of the validation messages are being displayed on the forms.
I have checked the log files in Tomcat and I am receiving the message "g:\program files\apache software foundation\tomcat 7.0\webapps\griddemo\web-inf\classes\config\servicesvalidations.xml (the system cannot find the path specified)" but when I check the directory the file does exist...
Someone has suggested that it may be an permission problem in tomcat but ive added permission into the catalina.policy file (i think the code ive added is
grant codeBase "file:${catalina.home}/webapps/GRIDDEMO/WEB-INF/classes/config -" {
permission "${catalina.home}/webapps/GRIDDEMO/WEB-INF/classes/config", "read, write"; };)
but still no validation messages are being displayed, hopefully that makes sense