posted 12 years ago
I have been reading collections and still I feel that i dont know much about collections.I still have confusion on Ordering and Sorting.I know List allows duplicate elements, Set doesnot allow duplicate elements, Map uses key/value pair
Also classes like ArrayList,Vector,LinkedList are all ordered classes implementing List interface
HashSet is unsorted,unordered,
LinkedHashSet is ordered version of HashSet,
TreeSet is Sorted
and all the above three classes implement the Set interface
HashMap is an unordered,unsorted Map
Hashtable is same as HashMap except that it is synchronized
LinkedHashMap is ordered
TreeMap is sorted
and the above three classes implement the Map interface
But still i havent come across any satisfactory programming code that makes me feel good that i understood about Collection framework..I mean also Comparable and Comparator interface is confusing me.
Will this book help me understand Collection Framework in a much more simpler format??? help me gain confidence that I am good in Collections???