posted 12 years ago
I have phpTest.html as coded below. I have phpTest1.php in action attribute in it. This phpTest.html and phpTest1.php are placed in path "C:/Users/nirjari/Desktop/all text files/HTML Files/" instead of default path which is "C:/wamp/www/"
In httpd.conf below, I have modified document root as "C:/Users/nirjari/Desktop/all text files/HTML Files/" instead of default path of "C:/wamp/www/" When I use send a request for phpTest.html , I dont get the page but instead of that O get 404 error message. Why is that ? I have changed document root and I have required files in new document root , then why apache server does not deliver this file ? When I am using default document root "C:/wamp/www/" server delivers document. So what do I need to change in order to deliver files by server ? With the changes I made is document root not changed ? Do I need to make any further changes ? Or can documents be delivered by default document root only ?