I tried to retrive the data from database its perfect but iam getting all the datas but my problem is i can't retrive a single data from database and i need to display that data in
jsp page.
I tried but i am not getting any error, iam getting my jsp page but after iam giving a data and click the submit button its in blank only i can't retrive them please help me to solve my issue.
My database is MYSql. just two datas if i retrive from database and shown in jsp field mens then i will develop remaing information.
my database code is :
My jsp code is
I know that iam doing mistake but i can't find it in google also i tried iam getting fail only Please Guide me to solve my issue. no one is not there to guide me in my office iam developing alone so please solve my issue as soon as possible and give guide to me.Because by using this idea only iam going develop my project in frameworks is just foundation so please put my foundation strongly.
Thanks in advance.