I am a
java developer and new to JAX-WS.
i got one requirement to create a web service using jax-ws, packaging using
ant build and
deploying it in
JBOSS and WEB SPHERE server.
The process which i followed to create a web service below:
1) created a web service class using @webservice annotation
2) created a client side artifacts using wsimport which is provided by Jdk and
created a war and deployed it jboss.
3) wsdl is getting generated while deploying a war using a URI -
4) create client class to call the webservice. everything is working fine for me.
Need your expert input for the following below:
1) if i write the ant build script to package the client stubs, how i can use wsdl
location in wsimport ant task. should i use URI
sdl="http://localhost:8080/mywebapplication/routing?wsdl") or
which is the best practise?
2) i want to deploy my webservice in JBOSS and WEBSPHERE in different
machine and different port no?
for e.g
how to mention dynamic ipaddress and port no while running ant build script?
how to change the wsdl location and port number in generated wsdl and
RoutingService client stubs class dynamically? (dont want to change soad address
location manually)
Do i need to use wsgen to generate server stubs?
Need your inputs in packaging and deploying jax ws in multiple servers.
Thanks in advance.