This week's book giveaway is in the Agile and Other Processes forum. We're giving away four copies of DevSecOps Adventures: A Game-Changing Approach with Chocolate, LEGO, and Coaching Games and have Dana Pylayeva on-line! See this thread for details.
i have an application that displays the results for both English and Tamil. i want to create an search application for this data such that the user i able to give an query.
Let me guess what your exact requirement is. You have listview that displays the data in tamil font, right? You have an edittext where the user a text and that is in tamil, and the searched result is displayed in text view, right?
Instead of implementing your own search solution, I think it's much better to hook into Android's built-in search framework. If you organize your content as a ContentProvider, and declare it to be searchable in the manifest, then you can use the system-wide search box to search for your content.
Anything worth doing well is worth doing poorly first. Just look at this tiny ad: