Well, there are parts you didn't post.
But the main cause is
"Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.oxm.jaxb.Jaxb2Marshaller"
So that class is not in your classpath. That is all it ever means, so even if you think you see a jar file that would have that class, it doesn't. There is nothing in your classpath including jars that contain that class, otherwise the jvm would have found it. Maybe you have two versions of it in your classpath, that might cause the exception, but highly unlikely.
But why do you need JaxB, in your pom you only are looking for Jackson json library, I don't see a dependency on JAXB classes, or are they now part of the JDK?
Anyway, it needs that class cause you have a bean defined as marshaller in your dispatcher
servlet configuration Spring xml file (Which is what you didn't post)