Hello Jelle Klap,
First of all Thank you for your reply. At the Oracle download page I found "Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files 7" which has two executable jar files and "Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files 6" which has the same number of jars as well. As being a noob I have Tried to add all of those Jars (I know how to add them properly), I tried 1 jar at the time ,two jars and four jars, well all of the possibilities to be honest. But Still got the same exception of illegal key size. Anyway that should not be a problem as with using (PBEWithMD5AndDES) and a random salt am pretty much protected from rainbow-tables attacks I assume.
Kindly, Can you help me in solving the small problem below:
The problem basically is I want to convert the Slealedobject str to a Hex
String by using Apache Base64 or any simpler way and then display it with (System.out.println(TheNameOfThestringDerivedFromThe SlealedObject);)
I have tried many ways but with no success. the output has been for the desired string in the below format with just a change in the the numbers in the output
help by code is much appreciated for a noob like me
Thank you