I try to describe my environment shortly. Technologies:
EJB 3.1,
JBoss 7.1.1
There are Servise-classes (@SessionScoped @Stateful). Servise-classes call Dao classes (@Stateless)
I want :
- use EntityManager only into @StateLess beans (Dao)
- have short transaction in most cases (like persist, merge)
- have one long transaction for some multistep-methods (methods are in Dao also)
- have actual (up to date, without first-level cache) data[
I have: Pesistense.xml
Problem: If it is throw an Exception into Dao method, part data will save in DB instead of total rollback.
I think, is need Join Transaction to EM. Or disconnect persists each item to the DB right away (using cache). I've try different ways, but didn't have success.
Thanks for in advance!