Hello and thanks in advance for considering my question.
The concept of namespaces in
struts seems pretty nice as far as logically separating groups of urls/action mappings, but it leaves me with a couple questions:
1.) I noticed that if I don't begin a context with a "/" (in the <s:url> tag), it will ADD this namespace to my url. So if I'm in the result page from
http://localhost:8080/webapp/ns1/abc.action, and do <s:url action="Yo" namespace="hi"... that will give me a url of
http://localhost:8080/webapp/ns1/hi/Yo.action. Is there any practical application to these nested links, or should I just always remember the slash?
2.) I'm also mapping my ajax calls in my struts.xml. Is there any
word on putting these in their own namespace, or is that overkill?
Thanks very much. I look forward to reading your book.
--Jeff Shelley