posted 12 years ago
The servlet return a json like,
web page call the servlet,
In a project not based on JForum, i would get threadlocal error. i don't want to fix it right now because i need a little time to learn to use threadlocal, at last i must put my servlet in Jforum,so making it work in Jforum correctly is the target. i think just putting my servlet into JForum would get the same threadlocal error and make JForum 'dirty'. Jforum's servlet would not get this error because Jforum manages threadlocal. i want to a sample of jfourm servlet to simulate. i need to know how to inherit Jforum's classes and call its functions to make my servlet work corretly in JForum, that's the 'fit JFourm' means.
This morning i put my servlet in Jforum, Stangely i don't get threadloca error.but
'log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.commons.beanutilsconverters.BooleanConverter).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.'
how did this happen?and i still need a sample about adding servlet.