Hi everyone I want to Develop a program where a user can visit a page say Registration page and there are fields in that page as userid, username when user press submit button then he will see Welcome page if credentials are correct if not then a error message is displayed if user is new then he will register himself and then page would have an additional field say confirm password and then will be displayed. I want to use Hibernate 3.6 with derby database to store userid and username.
Now I want to create this program using
struts 1.3. For username and userid i want to use a database, now I am not able develop a model class where i can put my code that extracts the userid from the database and match it with userid field from ActionForm. I can enter the values in database but can not retrieve the userid from the database but If i retrieve the value then how I can pass the values from the Action class to model class for verification that is the user exists or not.
Kindly tell me how to Write a model class where I can perform these validation because I want to clean my Action class.
Thanks and Regards
Deepak Sharma