Raymond Tong wrote:1) What are the main differences of Clojure, Groovy and Scala? where
- Clojure and Scala are general purpose programming language
- Groovy and Clojure are dynamic typed
- they are Functional Programming run on JVM
2) Does Clojure have good support on IDE (e.g. Eclipse, IntelliJ)?
3) What would be the greatest challenges for people to learn Clojure from Java?
I spent the morning putting in a comma and the afternoon removing it.
-- Gustave Flaubert, French realist novelist (1821-1880)
Sean Corfield wrote:
Raymond Tong wrote:
3) What would be the greatest challenges for people to learn Clojure from Java?
The biggest challenge is shedding the OOP mindset. Where I've seen Java developers struggle is that they're so used to putting state in objects and mutating it by calling methods on those objects, when you take away mutability and (Java-style) encapsulation, they lose all their reference points. Learning Clojure, if you're heavily steeped in Java's way of doing things, can be a real challenge. But, as Chas said in another thread, once you go FP, you never go back. Once you've internalized a functional style of solving problems, your approach to OOP changes and you'll find yourself writing simpler, more maintainable Java too. Even if you never write a line of production Clojure code, learning Clojure will make you a better Java programmer.
Palak Mathur wrote:
One question that comes to my mind is how to change your thought process to grasp functional programming and code as data concepts for programming. How should one approach a problem. Right now, I think about problems in terms of objects. How to change this thought to be inline with Clojure or FP?
Raymond Tong wrote:Hi,
I have some questions regarding Clojure.
1) What are the main differences of Clojure, Groovy and Scala? where
- Clojure and Scala are general purpose programming language
- Groovy and Clojure are dynamic typed
- they are Functional Programming run on JVM
2) Does Clojure have good support on IDE (e.g. Eclipse, IntelliJ)?
3) What would be the greatest challenges for people to learn Clojure from Java?
Palak Mathur wrote:
I asked a question related to this part as a supplementary question to the list of questions I asked here I am quoting it below:
Palak Mathur wrote:
One question that comes to my mind is how to change your thought process to grasp functional programming and code as data concepts for programming. How should one approach a problem. Right now, I think about problems in terms of objects. How to change this thought to be inline with Clojure or FP?
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