Hi guys..
I am really confusing with web services
SOAP and RESTFul.. Which one is better to use..
Following are the points I have inferred from the articles I read on webservices..
1. SOAP uses WSDL but RESTFul doesn't
2. SOAP communicates using XML language.. But RESTFul can communicate with XML,JSON,pure http,other user defined ones..
3. SOAP uses SOAP envelop for sending request and recieving response
4. SOAP supports HTTP,FTP and other protocols.. But RESTFul supports only HTTP
5. RESTFul is faster than SOAP
6. In real view RESTFul is just a webapplication developed with some specialized annotations.. But SOAP is not a web-app
7. With SOAP we can explain about our webservices to the client very well (through WSDL).. But client need to have good view on RESTful webservices before using it..
Please correct me if I wrong (mention point number)..
Thanks in advance..