I am working on an application that uses Display Tag to render tables. In some of the tables, I am using the
Struts tag "multibox" to render a list of options. I am having a problem with the checkboxs not holding the values after clicking the next page on the table.
Let me explain. Form example, if there are 100 records and the <pagesize> attribute -in the display tag decleration- set to "10", then there are 10 records shown at a time. When the user click on the little arrow on the top of the table, the table check out the next ten records.
Now, if I have a column of check boxes, when a user check some boxes and then click next arrow - to choose from the next values- the previous selection disappears.
How can I save the user selections?
Her are a snipet of the code from the
JSP page
<display:table name="metadataList" export="true" id="row" requestURI="/publish.do?action=preExportSelect" pagesize="10" class="display_tag">
<bean define name="row" property="metadataId" id="metadataId"/>
<display:column sortable="false" title="Select" media="html">
<html:multibox name="PublishingForm" property="selectedMetadataIds" value="<%= String.valueOf(metadataId) %>" />