posted 12 years ago
I can't speak specifically about CRUD and J2EE, but...
I work on a team that writes interfaces. Application 'A' needs to send data to applications 'B', 'C', and 'D'. A sends out xml, but B wants HL7, C wants a different version of HL7, and C wants xml-like messages, but not 'true XML'.
B only wants THIS and THAT, but C wants everything, and D only wants it if THAT field contains THIS piece of information...
I've done it for two years, and each day is a new challenge, letting me learn new things all the time. Some applications have TCP/IP connections, some use MQ-Series, some use two are ever the same.
So...All I do all day is write interface code, to pass messages from 'A' to 'B', but it NEVER gets old.
There are only two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors