I strongly recommend getting Eclipse + WTP out of the mix when doing nightly and production builds. Myself, I have a firm policy on all projects that they must be buildable from the command line with only Maven (or Ant) with no
IDE installed on the computer at all. I also design my webapps so that any environmental information comes from external sources so that the exact same WAR file can be used on development, test, and production machines without alteration.
The "mvn clean deploy" goal will do a complete cleanup, compile, packaging and deployment cycle. I don't know about checkout, since I normally checkout before commencing work on a project. Maven will, however, automatically pull in binary dependencies; that's one of Maven's most celebrated characteristics.
For production builds, I can do a step further. Once I check all the changes in, a "mvn release:prepare" followed by a "mvn release:perform" will tag the production build in version control, run the unit tests, build javadocs and create/deploy a project management website (the "mvn site" goal). One-button solution.
Just in case you hadn't already figured it out - yes, the same maven project (and POM) does all of this, whether it's development, Beta, or production. I run my development builds inside Eclipse. I don't use WTP however, since I frankly consider WTP to be an abomination (I use sysdeo).
If you don't have the m2eclipse plugin installed into Eclipse, I believe it's located at tigris.org.
An archetype is basically just a snapshot of a prototype project, and fairly easy to create and easier to use.
POMs are actually fairly simple to start with. Then they grow.

At least you don't have to explicitly specify each and every dependency (unless you want to), since Maven will transitively resolve cascading dependencies.
Probably the biggest adjustment required is Maven's strict project layout rules. In order to accomplish this much magic with minimal configuration specifications, you must put things where Maven expects to find them. While you can forcibly override these rules, it's messy, painful, and likely to provide a series of rude shocks at inconvenient times. On the plus side, however, this means that you can generally figure out where a given project component is in an unfamiliar project without too much digging.