Hi im back with a query,in my
jsp im using display tag and im iterating a list ,i have two columns one is checkbox its value is some id(from the list),and another column is browsing a file,here is part of my jsp
<display:table id="list1" name="candidateList" requestURI=" "
style="width: 1000px; margin: 0px auto; color:#0000ff; font-family:verdana; font-size:12px;"
<display:column title="">
<input type="checkbox" id="checkbox" name="select"
value=${list1.candidateId } />
<display:column title="Resume Upload">
<s:file id="upload_filename" name="upload_filename" theme="simple"
style="border:1px solid #ccc;" />
<display:column property="candidateId" title="Id" sortable="true" />
<display:column property="firstName" title=" First Name"
sortable="true" />
<display:column property="lastName" title="Last Name" sortable="true" />
<display:column property="emailId" title="Email" sortable="true" />
<display:column property="cellPhone" title="Cell Phone"
sortable="true" />
here in the above code,if check the first two checkboxes and browse the third row then here im attaching the checked rows with the third browsed file.....but it should not happen,i need to validate it like,
please browse the appropriate checked rows ....im awaiting for your response....thanks in advance....