posted 12 years ago
Hello, javaranch.
I want to compile some jms code in NetBeans, but i am stuck and frustrated with an exeption which i got during compilation.
I have such code frangment
which is highlighted by NetBeans as unable to compile.
I investigated a little bit and figured out, that i have to use newer library which knows about "@Resource(lookup=)" injection, so i have added the library (glassfish\modules\endorsed\javax.annotation.jar) to the project (properties->libraries->compile->add jar/folder), but netbeans is still using the default one from JDK and i am getting the error. How could i make NetBeans to use the added one instead of the default one? I have found how to do it in eclipse, but i do not know how to do it in NetBeans. Could you advise me where should i put the library to make it available for my class?