Hello Srinivas
No, I didn't make myself clear, when I talked about transfering from S3 I didn't meant transfer it from S3 format to HDFS, I was talking about a file in HDFS(stored in an S3 bucket) being transfer to an Ec2Instance.
Finally I found that this can't be done as I expected, distcp make copies in parallel but only for multiple files, for a single file is only one
thread the one that is in charge to make the transfer, I didn't knew that, it seems that facebook managed to make this making a modification to one version of hadoop (0.20.2 I think) managing to transfer a single large file in parallel using distcp but I haven't try this facebook modified version. Finally to fix this issue I wrotte a simple Map-Reduce job that allowed me to transfer the file in parallel.
Regards and thanks for the interest.