I am working on JForum1.9. I am able to install the forum on my machine. But i am not able to provide the authentication for that forum through LDAP. I setup all the properties as below, but still not working. Do i need to provide any other attributes/properties in SystemGlobals.properties file?. Do i need to modify any other files? Kindly suggest me.
ldap.security.protocol =
ldap.authentication = simple
ldap.factory = com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory
ldap.login.prefix = uid=
ldap.login.suffix = OU=Users,OU=KLC,OU=APAC,DC=company,DC=ad
ldap.principal = uid=admin, OU=Users,OU=KLC,OU=APAC,DC=company,DC=ad
ldap.credentials = secret
ldap.field.username = uid
ldap.search.root = OU=Users,OU=KLC,OU=APAC,DC=company,DC=ad
ldap.server.url =
ldap.field.email = mail