Fame Devon wrote:...AddEntry asks you to enter a username. When you click submit, this entry is saved alongwith a random generated number in a hashmap. Now, I've still not decided whether to store it in a text file or use hibernate...
I'm not a great expert on webby stuff, so this is more of a piece of general advice:
You're still at the design stage, yet your description suggests that you're already thinking about
The giveaway is in phrases like "JSP", "HashMap", "random generated number" and "Hibernate". These are all decisions about
how you're going to accomplish your task.
Worry first about
what you're going to do, NOT
how you're going to do it. It's quite difficult, because a lot of that "how" stuff is probably buzzing around in your head, but resist the urge to cast it in stone.
Describe, in detail, WHAT your app is is going to do. One of the products of a description like that might be a list of functions, eg:
which you can even turn into Java-style method stubs, eg:
public User addNewUser(String name, Date dateOfBirth, String passWord);
don't worry about coding them - at least not yet. There'll be plenty of time for that later on.
The idea is to postpone decisions about implementation for as long a possible. Obviously, you'll have to do it eventually, but tying yourself into an implementation too early is a sure-fire way to code re-writes.
One of my favourite quotes from the second book I ever read about Object-Orientation:
Lucius Cary, 2nd Viscount Falkland, wrote:When it is not necessary to make a decision, it is necessary not to make a decision.