Jay Orsaw wrote:
When I debug it says the value is equal to the original, so I'm not sure what's going on... Thoughts?
This doesn't work but if I replace j[i] or j[0] with JLabel j2 = Z; it works.....
I made a new string and set it to my String s, and then set s as the Resource. Pretty stupid in my opinion.. But it seems Java is like that a lot...
luck, db
There are no new questions, but there may be new answers.
Darryl Burke wrote:Why do you declare and initialize the array inside the loop? Do you really want a new array to be created every time around the loop, one that goes out of existance when the loop terminates?
. But the general rule is to add all child components before the top level window is shown. In the case of an Applet, that means before the init() method returns.If I resize the applet
luck, db
There are no new questions, but there may be new answers.
Darryl Burke wrote:1. AbsoluteLayout isn't a part of the standard JDK, so I can't help you there. Is there really no Swing or AWT layout that meets your requirements? They're better documented and you will always get help on a forum if you have a specific problem using one of them.
2. Applets are meant to be displayed in a browser, at a size determined by the HTML written in the APPLET or OBJECT tag. Not sure what you mean by. But the general rule is to add all child components before the top level window is shown. In the case of an Applet, that means before the init() method returns.If I resize the applet
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