I'm not entirely sure what your problem is, but here are some things that caught my eye...
The first thing to keep in mind is that the browser will not send the field in the request at all if the checkbox isn't checked. That means that if a checkbox named "foobar" is not checked, then the browser will not send foobar's value at all. In other words, foobar will either be "true" or not sent.
Originally posted by s penumudi:
If I do not specify value="true", I am getting bind errors, saying it cannot convert String to Boolean (The data type of the command object property corresponding to this field is of boolean datatype.
I tried recreating your problem in a simple app. If my command object has a boolean property, then the value is correctly set to either true or false, depending on whether the checkbox is set. This makes sense because if the checkbox is checked, then the value gets mapped to a boolean true. If the checkbox isn't checked, then the value isn't sent and so the default value (false) is kept on the command.
If I used a Boolean property, then I'd either get true for a checked checkbox or null for an unchecked checkbox.
Originally posted by s penumudi:
When I give value="true", irrespective of checkbox being selected or not, the value set is always true.
I couldn't recreate this behavior exactly, but I did notice that you have an onClick event that checks the checkbox anytime that it is clicked. This means that once you've checked the checkbox, it is virtually impossible to uncheck it. Perhaps that was the cause of it always being true?
Originally posted by s penumudi:
I also tried to set the value as "true" when selected and "false" when unselected using javascript onSelect event. But this seems not working. I always see value as true.
Again, if the checkbox isn't checked, the value won't be sent to the server at all. So, even if you explicitly set the value to "false" when the checkbox is unchecked, the value won't be sent.
I know that there's not a firm answer to your problem here, but perhaps I've given you a few clues that will help you solve it.