Dennis Deems wrote:Book 3 is a very thick hardcover study guide (800+ pages) that exhaustively covers all the topics in OCJP 6. It contains two full-length practice exams, and on the CD there is software that contains two interactive mock exams. (I think there is a third you can download.) Book 4 is a supplement to this book, and contains four more full-length practice exams. It doesn't contain any in-depth discussion of topics, but it does have some coding exercises and tips for studying. It's totally optional but I found it helpful. These are the books I used to prepare for the exam.
As for Books 1 and 2: these are other editions of Book 3. In different countries books are published as distinct editions even if their content is the same; it's an antiquated practice if you ask me, but no one did. These appear from the publisher and the purchase price to be Indian editions, meant only for sale in India. Book 1 is apparently offered with an educational discount; not exactly sure how that works in India, but in the USA such purchases must be verified by supplying a university ID.
Thanks Dennis
I have Ordered BOOK 1 as of now ( Budget issues ) . People have used this in the past for OCPJP 6 .
and as you said bro, I have Downloaded the 4th PRACTISE PROSBLEMS books
Coudnt find the HARDCOVER PFD anywhere.
and did you used any ENTHUWARE mock tests ?