Originally posted by chris coleman:
Can you make some comments on the scalability and clustering abilities of a fully spring based web application that does not use a separate persistence layer or presentation layer framework.
I'll try...First, when you say that the application doesn't use a separate persistence layer, what do you mean? Spring, by itself, does not provide a persistence mechanism. It only integrates with several popular persistence options, including Hibernate, JDO, and iBatis. It also make life easier on you if you are using straight
JDBC. But Spring does not bring its own persistence mechanism to the table. Thus, part of the answer to your question is dependent on the persistence mechanism you choose.
As far as clustering, a Spring-based web application will rely on the clustering capabilities of the
servlet container you deploy to. Spring doesn't do clustering itself.
Regarding scalability, there are a lot of angles to look at this from. The IoC container itself is really lightweight and should place no additional scalability issues upon your application once all of the beans have been loaded and wired. This is mostly a startup activity, but if you have any lazily-instantiated beans then they'll get created along the way at runtime (but that's the norm in a non-Spring application anyway).
With regard to Spring AOP, weaving of aspects is a startup activity unless you are using dynamic pointcuts (which by definition must happen at runtime). And, although I can't speak numbers, I imagine that the Spring MVC framework is at least as scalable as any other Model 2 framework such as
Struts or WebWork.
Perhaps Ryan has some insights into this that I've missed.
Originally posted by chris coleman:
Is it possible and wise to architect a site totally on spring, using today's current version of the spring framework ??
Again, there's no such thing as a web application built "totally on Spring". The biggest bottleneck is most applications is persistence and since Spring doesn't have its own persistence mechanism, the answer depends largely on what you choose for persistence. Furthermore, Spring doesn't provide its own servlet container, so you'll need to run Spring on
JBoss, WebSphere, or whatever servlet container you choose--thus the scalability and performance of your application will depend somewhat on the container you deploy to. And, in any given application, you're likely to employ other third-party APIs, so those play a part as well.
My best answer for you is that while Spring offers a wealth of features, it's still only a piece of your web application's much larger architecture. I don't see any reason why the Spring piece will cause any scalability issues.
[ April 13, 2005: Message edited by: Craig Walls ]