Ulf Dittmer wrote:Looking at the documentation of the android.support.v13.app library I don't see anything in there that would help with bringing ActionBar support to earlier versions; it's all about Fragment support. Why do you think it would help?
As to your second question, android.app.ActionBar does not exist in API level 7, and if you check out what's contained in the v4 support library, you won't find it in there, either. You can use the "jar" tool that comes with the JDK to find out what's contained in a jar file. Using the support libraries involves some workarounds, chiefly by using class names that are different from the standard Android classs names. That's what the android.support.* packages are all about.
Have you checked out the API sample code I mentioned? It sounds as if that is precisely what you need to work through now in order to understand how the support libraries work.
Thanks for answer. Have you any document or link that explain about how the support libraries work?
I download this program of developer android site and and i don't write this. I mean, i don't used external and not standard library in this program.
How can i find what's contained in a jar file with JDK? If you can, please tell me.
What sample code you mentioned?!
How can i use android.app.ActionBar? When you run the program(NewsReader program in developer android site),do any problem with this?
Thanks a lot ;)