Tim first of all thanks for your reply.
Actually I am writing
http://localhost:8080/TestTomcat/index.jsp, both in my eclipse, and in chrome (after of course I've started tomcat from eclipse) and the error I get is:
"HTTP Status 404 - /TestTomcat/index.jsp, description: The requested resource is not available."
The application is a simple application I created through eclipse New->
Maven project->maven-archetype-webapp, and all it has is the default "Hello world" in the index.jsp file which is under the directory:
I'm sorry to ask you again, but it's he first time I try to configure apache-tomcat and first time I'm using eclipse, so I am completely lost! (Btw using eclipse juno(EE) and apache-tomcat-6.0.36)
I 've checked the web.xml also, but as far as I know it doesn't need any <
servlet> or <servlet-mapping> to run the index.jsp from eclipse. The way I am running the program is right-click on it --> run on server.
I 've also configured the JAVA_HOME, CATALINA_HOME environment variables, and the PATH variable, and echoed them in the command line and they are set just fine.
I've changed the server location to "Use Tomcat Installations" through eclipse, to check that tomcat home page appears in the browser, works, but the
http://localhost:8080/TestTomcat/index.jsp still doesn't.
I've restarted my eclipse and my PC and still nothing works!
Any help will be much appreciated because I don't even know where the problem is!
Thanks again for your time.