Transactions are either managed by the Container: they are having a so called
container-managed transaction demarcation, or
transactions are managed programmatically by the developer: they are having a
bean-managed transaction demarcation.
From the EJB-specs:
13.3.1 Bean-Managed Versus Container-Managed Transaction Demarcation
When designing an enterprise bean, the developer must decide whether the enterprise bean will demarcate transactions programmatically in the business methods (bean-managed transaction demarcation), or whether the transaction demarcation is to be performed by the container based on the transaction attributes specified in metadata annotations or in the deployment descriptor
Coming back to the SessionContext method
setRollbackOnly() can only be used if your Session bean has:
- the annotation @TransactionManagement(TransactionManagementType.CONTAINER) on the
EJB class, or
- has no annotation (because CONTAINER is the default)
Consequently the method
setRollbackOnly() cannot be used if the Session Bean has the annotation @TransactionManagement(TransactionManagementType.BEAN) on the EJB class.