Regards, Sanjay Singh
Champions aren´t made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them - a DESIRE, a DREAM, a VISION
Sanjay Singh wrote:Hi Ranchers,
Today I cleared the OCEWCD6 exam with 92%.![]()
Sanjay Singh wrote:
Enthuware mock exams helps a lot to make me ready for the exam. This is worth every penny you pay. Their support team is very prompt to answer your any question. My all questions had been answered just in a day and till now I didn’t find any single question which I can say is given wrong. I suggest to buy this, if you plan, at least before 15 days (sooner the better) of your exam so that you get enough time to attempt all test sets. It has 10 sets. One set is good for a day, assuming working day, as it takes more time to go through the questions after than attempting it.
Thanks & Best Regards,
Sanjay Singh
Enthuware - Best Mock Exams and Questions for Oracle Java Certifications
Quality Guaranteed - Pass or Full Refund!
Nirav Liya [ OCJP 6.0 ]
SCJP 5.0 SCWCD 5.0
Sanjay Singh wrote:Hi Ranchers,
Today I cleared the OCEWCD6 exam with 92%.![]()
The feeling after clearing the exam is worth the effort.
Thanks to all rancher here. It is the good place to get the info about Books, exam simulator and getting your question answered. Also reading other's questions and their answers helps a lot.
I would like to share my experience for the preparation:
I spent almost 3 months for studying, practicing and attempting a lot of exam simulators. On working days 1-2 hours a day and on weekend 4-5 hours a day. This includes complete break for almost 15 days due to vacation travel. I started with Head First Servlet, 2nd edition book. Practiced for most of the topics and attempted the question at the end of each chapters with on an average of 70-80%. This book covers most of the exam objectives, though not enough for EE6. Read the Servlet/JSP/EL/JSTL specs to cover the new topics, specially Annotation & Pluggability, Asynchronous, Security ect. I read these new topics 2-3 times to get comfortable. Examulator: Lot of questions from SCWCD. Niko's Free SCWCD Mock Exam was very useful to test on basic concepts. Piotr free exam simulator for Java EE6 new topics is must have. Don't forget to attempt these question before appearing for exam. Thank Piotr for making such a good collection of questions. They are just awesome. Bipin's free mock exam for SCWCD. Missed the URL for his page. Enthuware mock exams helps a lot to make me ready for the exam. This is worth every penny you pay. Their support team is very prompt to answer your any question. My all questions had been answered just in a day and till now I didn’t find any single question which I can say is given wrong. I suggest to buy this, if you plan, at least before 15 days (sooner the better) of your exam so that you get enough time to attempt all test sets. It has 10 sets. One set is good for a day, assuming working day, as it takes more time to go through the questions after than attempting it.
Enthuware mock exam results:
Test 1- 63%
Test 2- 77%
Test 3- 88%
Test 4- 79%
Test 5- 88%
Test 6- 82%
Test 7- 79%
Test 8- 72%
Test 9- 75%
Final Test -78%
Average: 78%
Head first servlet final exam score: 58%. This scared me first but then somehow I consoled my mind that everything will be okay in final exam.![]()
Note: There are couple of questions having error. So please refer the errata to avoid any frustration, if you get low score.
Read the new topics (Annotation, Asynchronous, Security) carefully from specs. Do review the questions once finished before submitting, as I found few questions which I had selected initially wrong.
Thanks & Best Regards,
Sanjay Singh
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